Insights at scale for your market research automation and analysis. Identify new segments and target personas for your product and services.
Commerce AI aggregates interview, survey, product reviews and profile data at scale so market researchers can better support key business decisions across the organization.
Whether you’re tasked with defining new features for a next-gen product, understanding the motivation behind purchases, or predicting the future, Commerce AI can help you along the way.
Surface key insights around customer behavior. Understand customer likes, dislikes, and desires, and map the relationships and orders between them. Gain a better understanding of your products and learn not just the what, but the why.
Uncover new markets by surfacing product and category data by consumer profile, geography and language. Compare competitive data to uncover opportunities for growth.
Meet customers where they are and obtain deeper insights with our digital Voice Survey application. Create a simple and engaging voice-based customer survey and deploy with customer attention at hand.