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AI Generated Summary

We provide a real-time view of the market's opportunities for Stevia. Our dashboard tracks the latest news and digital intelligence and uses advanced algorithms to identify emerging trends and opportunities. Our technology allows us to process millions of data points from global sources every day, identify key events and predict opportunity scores for thousands of markets, categories, products and services. The Stevia category has an overall opportunity score of 57 with 336 products in our database available for this industry. With a growing demand for Stevia as consumers continue to look for healthier food alternatives many companies are reporting increased sales in this segment.

Fast Growing Brands

Now Foods, Pyure, SweetLeaf, Sweet Drops, NOW, NuNaturals, In The Raw


Stevia Extract Organic Now Foods 8 oz Liquid (4.7 stars, $21.39, 2,629 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Pyure Organic Stevia Sweetener Blend, 2:1 Sugar Substitute, Granular All-Purpose, 2.5 Pound (40 Ounces) & Organic Stevia Sweetener Extract Powder- 100% Stevia Leaf Extract, 1,000 Servings, 0.9 Ounce(4.6 stars, $25.96, 11,724 ratings)

NOW Foods, Certified Organic BetterStevia Liquid, Zero-Calorie Liquid Sweetener, Low Glycemic Impact, Certified Non-GMO, 8-Ounce(4.7 stars, $21.99, 3,542 ratings)

Stevia in The Raw, Packets(4.7 stars, $4.45, 2,894 ratings)

Pyure Organic Stevia Sweetener Extract Powder- 100% Stevia Leaf Extract, No Fillers, 300x Sweeter Than Sugar, 1,000 Servings(4.4 stars, $9.97, 2,842 ratings)

Stevia Extract Organic Now Foods 8 oz Liquid(4.7 stars, $21.39, 2,629 ratings)


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