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Standing Aids & Supports

Health & Personal Care
Mobility Aids & Equipment
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AI Generated Summary

We monitor reviews and consumer sentiment for products. The Standing Aids & Supports category has a steady demand with sales increasing over the past few years. In addition to this, there are 192 products in the Standing Aids & Supports category. The Standing Aids & Supports category has an opportunity level of 56 with 6,139,570 datapoints.

Fast Growing Brands

Vaunn, Vive, Able Life Comfortably Independent, Emson, Evelots, Stander, Valorcielo


DMI Step Stool with Handle for Adults and Seniors Made of Heavy Duty Metal, Holds up to 300 Pounds with 9.5 Inch Step Up (4.7 stars, $38.34, 5,753 ratings)

Top Rated Products

DMI Step Stool with Handle for Adults and Seniors Made of Heavy Duty Metal, Holds up to 300 Pounds with 9.5 Inch Step Up(4.7 stars, $38.34, 5,753 ratings)

Able Life Auto Cane, Portable Vehicle Support Handle, Standing Mobility Aid, Car Assist Cane Grab Bar, Blue(4.5 stars, $14.99, 4,382 ratings)

Stander HandyBar, Portable Vehicle Support Grab Bar, Standing Assist Mobility Aid Handle, Car Emergency Escape Tool with Window Breaker and Seat Belt Cutter(4.6 stars, $29.00, 4,100 ratings)

Secure SGBM-72C Transfer & Walking Gait Belt with Metal Buckle and Belt Loop Holder for Caregiver, Nurse, Therapist, etc. (72" x 2" (Camo Print))(4.7 stars, $10.99, 3,778 ratings)

Vaunn Medical Foot Step Stool with Anti-Skid Rubber Platform, Chrome Plated Stool(4.7 stars, $29.32, 2,550 ratings)


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