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Scanners & Accessories
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We provide global sentiment and customer generated data to the industry. Products are visualized using our e-commerce dashboard which gives you a 360 view of all consumer trends and market opportunities. We detected 787,120 datapoints for Scanners with an opportunity level of 60. The Scanners category has shown an increase in sales in consumer electronics and household products whereas the Scanners has an opportunity level of 60 with 1152 products.

Fast Growing Brands

KODAK, plustek, Epson, Fujitsu, Brother, Canon, Rybozen


KODAK SCANZA Digital Film & Slide Scanner - Converts 35mm, 126, 110, Super 8 & 8mm Film Negatives & Slides to JPEG - Includes Large Tilt-Up 3.5" LCD, Easy-Load Film Inserts, Adapters & More (4.2 stars, $159.98, 7,102 ratings)

Top Rated Products

KODAK SCANZA Digital Film & Slide Scanner - Converts 35mm, 126, 110, Super 8 & 8mm Film Negatives & Slides to JPEG - Includes Large Tilt-Up 3.5" LCD, Easy-Load Film Inserts, Adapters & More(4.2 stars, $159.98, 7,102 ratings)

Epson Perfection V600 Color Photo, Image, Film, Negative & Document Scanner(4.5 stars, $0, 5,011 ratings)

Brother DS-640 Compact Mobile Document Scanner, (Model: DS640)(4.4 stars, $89.98, 3,979 ratings)

Plustek Photo Scanner - ephoto Z300, Scan 4x6 Photo in 2sec, Auto Crop and Deskew with CCD Sensor. Support Mac and PC(4.6 stars, $199.00, 3,963 ratings)

Epson WorkForce ES-50 Portable Sheet-Fed Document Scanner for PC and Mac(4.4 stars, $99.99, 3,359 ratings)


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