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Raised Bowls

Pet Supplies
Bowls & Dishes
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AI Generated Summary

We track customer sentiment data across online channels. We extract specific signals from this global data and provide instant insights. We constantly monitor thousands of markets, competitors, trends and opportunities to identify the next big thing for Raised Bowls category. Our monitoring identified over 370,780 datapoints for the Raised Bowls category. We detected a high level of opportunity for a new brand or a new product in the Raised Bowls category. Several companies reported an increase in revenue in these sectors, whereas the demand for Raised Bowls has risen steadily. The Raised Bowls category has an opportunity level of 63 with 312 products.

Fast Growing Brands

Pet Zone, FUKUMARU, Neater Feeder, Yangbaga, IRIS USA, Inc., Dogit, Marchul


Neater Feeder Express Elevated Dog and Cat Bowls - Raised Pet Dish - Stainless Steel Food and Water Bowls for Small to Large Dogs and Cats (4.6 stars, $46.99, 15,907 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Pet Zone Designer Diner ADJUSTABLE Elevated Dog Bowls - Adjusts To 3 Heights, 2.75”, 8", & 12'' (Raised Dog Dish with Double Stainless Steel Bowls)(4.4 stars, $26.95, 18,413 ratings)

Neater Feeder Express Elevated Dog and Cat Bowls - Raised Pet Dish - Stainless Steel Food and Water Bowls for Small to Large Dogs and Cats(4.6 stars, $46.99, 15,907 ratings)

Neater Pet Brands - Neater Feeder Deluxe Dog and Cat Variations and Colors(4.8 stars, $65.99, 15,125 ratings)

Kitty City Raised Cat Food Bowl Collection, Stress Free Pet Feeder and Waterer(4.6 stars, $7.94, 14,211 ratings)

UPSKY Double Dog Cat Bowls Premium Stainless Steel Pet Bowls No-Spill Resin Station, Food Water Feeder Cats Small Dogs.(4.5 stars, $9.99, 13,930 ratings)


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