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Nailers & Staplers

Industrial & Scientific
Industrial Hand Tools
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AI Generated Summary

We monitor social media activity to keep up with consumer trends. In the Nailers & Staplers category there were 494,190 datapoints with an opportunity level of 46 for a new brand or product launch. The market is growing steadily with increasing sales year over year. There are 6,400 products available for this category.

Fast Growing Brands

General Tools, Klein Tools, American Power Pull, Bon Tool, Senco, Astro Pneumatic Tool, Wera, Ullman Devices, Morris Products, KS TOOLS


Klein Tools 32500 Multi-Bit Screwdriver / Nut Driver 11-in-1 Multi Tool, 8 Industrial Strength Bits, 3 Nut Driver Sizes, Cushion Grip Handle (4.8 stars, $14.97, 13,472 ratings)

Top Rated Products

CARTMAN Orange 39-Piece Tool Set - General Household Hand Tool Kit with Plastic Toolbox Storage Case(4.7 stars, $18.99, 20,602 ratings)

Klein Tools 32500 Multi-Bit Screwdriver / Nut Driver 11-in-1 Multi Tool, 8 Industrial Strength Bits, 3 Nut Driver Sizes, Cushion Grip Handle(4.8 stars, $14.97, 13,472 ratings)

Cartman 148Piece Tool Set General Household Hand Tool Kit with Plastic Toolbox Storage Case Socket and Socket Wrench Sets(4.7 stars, $26.99, 11,039 ratings)

Klein Tools 32581 Precision Screwdriver Set, 4-in-1 Electronics Screwdriver with Industrial Strength Phillips and Slotted Bits(4.8 stars, $9.97, 10,865 ratings)

Apollo Tools DT9706 Original 39 Piece General Repair Hand Tool Set with Tool Box Storage Case, Red (2021 Limited Edition)(4.7 stars, $14.99, 8,849 ratings)


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