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Litter Boxes

Pet Supplies
Litter & Housebreaking
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AI Generated Summary

We provide market intelligence and consumer sentiment insights from social media and other sources. Our platform gives you a 360 degree view of consumer trends, brand reputation and market opportunities. We collect 1,579,670 datapoints for the Litter Boxes category with an opportunity level of 74. In 2017 there was a decrease in Litter Boxes sales. The Litter Boxes has had a steady market demand as companies reported increased sales in the last year. There are 360 products available for the Litter Boxes category.

Fast Growing Brands

Van Ness, "Kittys Wonderbox", Catit, Omega Paw, Petmate, Good Pet Stuff, IRIS USA, Inc.


Van Ness CP2HS Large High Sides Cat Litter Pan, Assorted Colors (4.5 stars, $9.08, 10,067 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Pet Mate Arm & Hammer Large Sifting Litter Pan(4.4 stars, $16.83, 29,300 ratings)

Catit Jumbo Hooded Cat Litter Pan(4.7 stars, $31.35, 26,802 ratings)

IRIS Top Entry Cat Litter Box with Cat Litter Scoop(4.6 stars, $31.99, 19,149 ratings)

IRIS USA Top Entry Cat Litter Box with Cat Litter Scoop(4.6 stars, $24.99, 15,263 ratings)

Good Pet Stuff Hidden Litter Litter Box(4.6 stars, $64.14, 14,943 ratings)


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