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Grill Racks

Patio, Lawn & Garden
Grilling Cookware & Rotisseries
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AI Generated Summary

We monitor online customer reviews and ratings of products. We collect and analyze data from different sources on specific signals and provide instant insights. We constantly monitor thousands of markets, competitors, trends and opportunities. Our monitoring identified 2,562,160 datapoints for the Grill Racks category in the US market. Several companies reported an increase in revenue in this sector, whereas the demand for Grill Racks has risen steadily over the past few years. The Grill Racks category scored an opportunity level of 48 with 336 products being monitored in the US segment.

Fast Growing Brands

Weber, Mountain Grillers, Yukon Glory, Sorbus, RUSFOL, SOLIGT, QuliMetal


King Kooker #12WR 12-Slot Leg and Wing Grill Rack for Poultry (4.6 stars, $13.99, 2,796 ratings)

Top Rated Products

King Kooker #12WR 12-Slot Leg and Wing Grill Rack for Poultry(4.6 stars, $13.99, 2,796 ratings)

Sorbus Non-Stick Rib Rack – Porcelain Coated Steel Roasting Stand – Holds 4 Rib Racks for Grilling & Barbecuing (Black)(4.5 stars, $15.99, 2,360 ratings)

Weber 6605 Original Rib Rack for Grilling, Small, Multi(4.6 stars, $16.99, 2,072 ratings)

RUSFOL Beercan Chicken Rack, Stainless Steel Chicken Stand for Smoker and Grill, 2 Pack(4.7 stars, $20.99, 1,577 ratings)

Weber 7513 Warming Rack, 24.9 x 4.7 x .4 inches,Plated(4.7 stars, $15.99, 1,560 ratings)


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