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Filter Accessories

Pet Supplies
Aquarium Pumps & Filters
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AI Generated Summary

We provide data on the Filter Accessories market. Our platform gives you a 360 degree view of the market. We track reviews, ratings and price signals to identify consumer trends and market opportunities. In the Filter Accessories category we have 3,120 products with an opportunity level of 58. The Filter Accessories sector had a decrease in sales in 2017 whereas the Filter Accessories has an opportunity level of 58 with 1,172,620 datapoints.

Fast Growing Brands

MarineLand, Tetra, Aqueon, AQUA-TECH, Aqua Flo, Aquatic Experts, Top Fin


Aqueon Replacement Filter Cartridges (4.7 stars, $13.34, 25,122 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Aqueon Replacement Filter Cartridges(4.7 stars, $13.34, 25,122 ratings)

Tetra Whisper Assembled Bio-Bag Filter Cartridges for Aquariums(4.7 stars, $3.19, 21,948 ratings)

MarineLand Penguin Rite-Size Cartridge(4.7 stars, $9.99, 16,703 ratings)

Tetra Filter Cartridges - Unassembled(4.7 stars, $8.49, 14,550 ratings)

Tetra Whisper Filter Cartridges 4 Count, Extra Small, For aquarium Filtration (AQ-78052),white(4.7 stars, $2.24, 7,827 ratings)


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