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Expanding Files

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File & Folder Accessories
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AI Generated Summary

We monitor the global market for new brands and products. Our data is used by companies to understand the market, consumers and competitors. The Expanding Files category has a steady demand for new brands and products. Several companies reported an increase in revenue in these sectors, whereas the demand for Expanding Files has risen steadily over the past few years. The Expanding Files category has an opportunity level of 54 with 9600 products being monitored globally.

Fast Growing Brands

Amazon Basics, Sooez, EOOUT, BluePower, Savor, ABC life, Five Star


Amazon Basics Expanding Organizer File Folder, Letter Size - Black (4.7 stars, $6.98, 33,809 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Amazon Basics Expanding Organizer File Folder, Letter Size - Black(4.7 stars, $6.98, 33,809 ratings)

Rapesco 0696 Popper Wallet - Foolscap, with Press Stud Closure. Assorted Colours (Pack of 5)(4.7 stars, $5.99, 13,584 ratings)

Amazon Basics Laptop Case + File Folder(4.6 stars, $56.98, 7,234 ratings)

Sooez Expanding File Folder with Sticky Labels, 13 Pocket Accordion File Folder Document Organizer Expanding Zip File Folder with Zipper Closure,Letter A4 Paper Document Accordion Folder, Black(4.7 stars, $9.34, 5,803 ratings)

Exacompta Soft PP Display Book, A4, 100 Pockets - Blue(4.7 stars, $0, 4,081 ratings)


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