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Drain Openers

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AI Generated Summary

We monitor consumer sentiment and brand reputation to help companies make better decisions. Our platform gives you a 360 degree view of consumer trends, market opportunities and industry insights. We collect 1,368 datapoints for the Drain Openers category with an opportunity level of 64. The Drain Openers sector had a decrease in sales in 2017 whereas the demand for Drain Openers has risen steadily and has an opportunity level of 64 with 1,368 products being monitored in the US segment.

Fast Growing Brands

Green Gobbler, Drano, SANI 360°, Roebic, Essential Depot, Liquid-Plumr, Comstar


Green Gobbler Drain Clog Dissolver, 31 oz (4.2 stars, $11.97, 56,848 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Green Gobbler Drain Clog Dissolver, 31 oz(4.2 stars, $11.97, 56,848 ratings)

Green Gobbler Ultimate Main Drain Opener + Drain Cleaner + Hair Clog Remover - 64 oz (Main Lines, Sinks, Tubs, Toilets, Showers, Kitchen Sinks)(4.2 stars, $19.99, 18,505 ratings)

Drano Max Gel Drain Clog Remover and Cleaner for Shower or Sink Drains, Unclogs and Removes Hair, Soap Scum, Blockages, 80 oz- Pack of 2(4.6 stars, $0, 11,936 ratings)

Green Gobbler SYNCHKG121210 BIO-Flow Strips-12 (Drain Cleaner & Deodorizer), 12 Pac(4.1 stars, $5.99, 11,460 ratings)

Drano Max Gel, Clog Remover(4.5 stars, $0, 10,367 ratings)


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