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Nintendo DS
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AI Generated Summary

We track 1.6 million brands, products and competitors. Our database is updated every 15 minutes from millions of social media and news sources. Our platform gives you a 360 degree view of the market. There are 1,745,810 datapoints for the Consoles category with an opportunity level of 71. Several companies reported increased sales in this sector whereas the demand for Consoles has risen steadily since 2014. In addition to this, there are 9576 products available for the Consoles category.

Fast Growing Brands

Nintendo, Janome, Nintendo/ValueDeluxe, VOYEE, OMKARSY, ESYWEN, Third Party


Nintendo DS Powder Blue by Nintendo (4.5 stars, $56.98, 7,362 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Nintendo DS Powder Blue by Nintendo(4.5 stars, $56.98, 7,362 ratings)

Nintendo DS Lite Polar White(4.5 stars, $0, 0 ratings)

Nintendo DS Lite Crimson / Black(4.5 stars, $0, 0 ratings)

Nintendo DS Lite Cobalt / Black(4.5 stars, $0, 0 ratings)

Nintendo DS Lite Metallic Silver(4.5 stars, $0, 0 ratings)


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