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Center Punches

Tools & Home Improvement
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AI Generated Summary

We provide a 360 view of all consumer markets. We monitor online channels and provide structured data to the industry. Our monitoring identified 3,135,980 datapoints for the Center Punches category. We are a leading provider of consumer insights. We provide a comprehensive set of data to help you make informed decisions for your business. Our data shows that there is steady growth in sales for this subsector. In the current category there were at least 384 products with an opportunity level of 50 for a new brand or product. The Center Punches have seen a steady increase in sales in the last few years and is projected to continue growing.

Fast Growing Brands

Neiko, Wheeler, Starrett, HORUSDY, Segomo Tools, Mayhew Tools, Fowler


Neiko 02638A 5" Automatic Center Hole Punch | Adjustable Impact (4.7 stars, $20.28, 4,383 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Wheeler Engineering Hammer and Punch Set with Brass, Steel, Plastic Punches, Brass/Polymer Hammer and Storage Case for Gunsmithing Maintenance(4.6 stars, $26.54, 5,193 ratings)

STANLEY Mobile Work Centre [STA193968](4.3 stars, $159.54, 5,058 ratings)

Neiko 02638A 5" Automatic Center Hole Punch | Adjustable Impact(4.7 stars, $20.28, 4,383 ratings)

TEKTON 1/16 Inch Alignment Punch | 66171(4.6 stars, $5.82, 2,663 ratings)

6580 Automatic Center Punch(4.2 stars, $0, 2,451 ratings)


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