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Cartridges & Refills

Health & Personal Care
Razors & Blades
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AI Generated Summary

Our platform provides the industry with a 360 view of consumer trends and market opportunities. We track brand reputation, price signals and customer sentiment across online channels to give you a complete picture of all markets. There are 1,580,580 datapoints for the Cartridges & Refills category with an opportunity level of 62. The Cartridges & Refills has a steady demand with increased sales in the past year. In addition to this, there are 1,776 products available for the Cartridges & Refills category.

Fast Growing Brands

Gillette, "Harrys", Philips Norelco, Solimo, Schick, ASTRA, HeadBlade


Gillette Fusion Power Men's Razor Blades - 8 Refills (4.7 stars, $23.97, 43,733 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Gillette Fusion Power Men's Razor Blades - 8 Refills(4.7 stars, $23.97, 43,733 ratings)

Philips Norelco QP220/80 OneBlade Replacement Blades, 2 Count(4.8 stars, $24.95, 41,336 ratings)

Gillette Mach3 Men’s Razor Blades – 15 Refills, Basic(4.8 stars, $20.99, 34,105 ratings)

Amazon Brand - Solimo 5-Blade MotionSphere Razor for Men with Dual Lubrication and Precision Trimmer, Handle & 16 Cartridges (Cartridges fit Solimo Razor Handles only)(4.4 stars, $17.99, 29,677 ratings)

Gillette ProGlide Men's Razor Blade Refills, 8 Count(4.7 stars, $23.25, 23,583 ratings)


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