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Brake Controls

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AI Generated Summary

The demand for Brake Controls is steady. Several companies reported an increase in revenue in these sectors. We provide insights into the market, competitors, trends and opportunities. We monitor 504 products with an opportunity level of 50 for the Brake Controls sector.

Fast Growing Brands

Tekonsha, CURT, Reese, Dumble, Hopkins Towing Solutions, Ford, Garden & Patio


Tekonsha 90160 Primus IQ Electronic Brake Control (4.8 stars, $84.95, 4,474 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Tekonsha 90195 P3 Electronic Brake Control(4.8 stars, $138.33, 4,689 ratings)

Tekonsha 90160 Primus IQ Electronic Brake Control(4.8 stars, $84.95, 4,474 ratings)

Reese Towpower 8508211 Brake Control (Proportional BRAKE-EVN)(4.7 stars, $46.44, 3,748 ratings)

REESE Towpower 8507111 Brakeman IV Digital Brake Control, Small Compact Design(4.7 stars, $33.59, 3,001 ratings)

Tekonsha 3035-P Brake Control Wiring Adapter for Ford(4.8 stars, $11.99, 2,716 ratings)


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