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Address Books

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AI Generated Summary

We track consumer sentiment data across online channels. We analyze unstructured data and use it to derive insights about products, brands, companies and markets. For example, we can shed light on opportunities that exist in several markets. We constantly monitor thousands of markets, competitors, trends and opportunities. Our monitoring identified 499,500 datapoints for the Address Books category. Companies reported that they have seen a steady increase in sales whereas the Address Books has an opportunity level of 49 with 288 products available to sell online.

Fast Growing Brands

Boxclever Press, Hallmark, bloom daily planners, AT-A-GLANCE, CURRENT, Symak, Kamset


Boxclever Press Address Book. Address Book with Tabs & an Amazing 432 Entry Spaces! Attractive Address Book with Alphabetical Tabs, Handy Pocket & Change of Address Labels. 5 x 8 ins (4.8 stars, $12.99, 1,127 ratings)

Top Rated Products

Iconikal Spiral-Bound Address and Telephone Book with Plastic Cover, Black(4.6 stars, $7.99, 4,191 ratings)

bloom daily planners New and Improved Hardcover Contacts Address & Password Book - Alphabetical Organizer with Tabs - 6” x 8.25" - Vintage Floral(4.8 stars, $19.95, 2,653 ratings)

Hallmark Refillable Address Book (Charcoal)(4.8 stars, $20.93, 1,646 ratings)

Herlitz Classic Collection A6 Address Book(4.5 stars, $20.93, 1,452 ratings)

Boxclever Press Address Book. Address Book with Tabs & an Amazing 432 Entry Spaces! Attractive Address Book with Alphabetical Tabs, Handy Pocket & Change of Address Labels. 5 x 8 ins(4.8 stars, $12.99, 1,127 ratings)


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